8700 9th Ave., Suite 109 Port Arthur, Texas 77642
(409) 729-9000
Contacting the Law Office of Christy L. Cauthen, P.L.L.C. by telephone, email or other media does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Ms. Cauthen. Attorney Christy L. Cauthen does not represent anyone until the following has taken place:
1) a face-to-face consultation or zoom consultation has occurred between the prospective client and Ms. Cauthen;
2) a written contract of employment has been signed by both the prospective client and Ms. Cauthen; AND
3) the quoted retainer has been paid in FULL by the prospective client to the Law Firm of Christy L. Cauthen, P.L.L.C.
Furthermore, the Law Firm of Christy L. Cauthen, P.L.L.C. does not accept confidential information over the telephone, by email, or any other form from prospective clients. Ms. Cauthen only accepts confidential information only after a prospective client has become an actual client by fulfilling the aforementioned 3 steps above.
Our office does conflict checks before agreeing to set up any prospective client with a consultation to meet with Ms. Cauthen. The consultation fee must be paid in full before the consultation takes place.
The information contained on this website has been written by The Law Office of Christy L. Cauthen for informational purposes only and it should not be considered as legal advice.
* Attorney Christy Cauthen is not Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
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